KG Supervisor Message
The main aim of the Little Flower English School Kindergarten Education curriculum is to support and foster the holistic development of the child.
At LFES, children embark on a journey of lifelong learning with positive values and right attitudes.
We focus on quality Kindergarten curriculum with good and effective practices in early years. To develop a thinking nation and life-long learners, we need to nurture children from the start, to learn to think and to think to learn. Language and thought are so closely related that we need to develop language abilities so as to develop thought. No educational programme is complete without a strong emphasis on values. Successful life-long learning depends on young children being given opportunities to develop personal and social skills.
That’s why LFES Kindergarten provides high quality learning environment and it is about much more than shapes, colours, numbers and letters. It is about developing children’s curiosity, independence, persistence, confidence and self-belief. We want children to think on their own and find new ways to do things, they are the scientists and artists of the future. We want to light the fire of excitement for learning within them, so they can have the skills to achieve anything they want to, in their lives.
We observe children’s play and interests closely, to explore what they are learning and how we can support them towards their ‘next steps’ in their thinking.
There is no doubt that the achievement of our students is built upon the partnership between students, parents and staff. Through the quality of the teaching and learning, the student support and commitment to extra-curricular activities we create the building blocks of success.
I am looking forward to continuing this process with you.
Warmest regards
Mrs. Safeena Ibrahim
KG Supervisor.